Sarah Brunner — Mobile Poultry Processing Facility

Sarah Brunner and one of her flock

The Mobile Poultry Processing Facility (AKA The Abbitoirre, french for Slaughterhouse) is the result of years of hard work by Sarah Brunner, owner of Wild Chick Farm. 

The Abbatoir - Mobile Processing Facility

To listen to the interview with Sarah Brunner click here.  In the meantime, for more information about the MPPF, go to or email the Humboldt Poultry Cooperative at

Sarah moving the Chicken Tractor

The Poultry Cooperative consists of several poultry and rabbit producers including Melanie and Kevin from Shakefork Farm; Ash and Dave from Buck and Daisy; and Sarah Brunner from Wild Chick Farm.

And don't forget the turkeys!

For those who are raising small flocks of chickens (processing 10-15 at a time) the Poultry Cooperative is working on a small scale processing structure that will be pulled by a small flatbed truck — stay tuned for more information on that project as it develops.

Humboldt Poultry Collaborative in the Abbattoir


  1. Andrew said,

    January 20, 2012 at 4:45 pm

    When pullin the chicken tractor do you take out the chickens or do they just walk along with it?

    • myfoodforthought said,

      January 20, 2012 at 5:44 pm

      I have seen the chicken tractor in action at Shakefork Farm in Carlotta. The chickens walk along with the tractor, in fact there is a lot of excitement about who gets to go first to get to new pasture!

      • May 23, 2012 at 10:23 pm

        Yep, that’s right. The only time we have any trouble is on the first move after we move the chicks from the brooder to the tractors. It takes them a second or two to understand what’s happening. But we’ll just have one person on the back side of the tractor, tapping the wall a bit, and that moves them forward enough to ensure that no chicken gets hurt.

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